Good news, everyone!

As of today I am officially a  member of Khronos!  This provides me with an opportunity to directly work on the OpenCL standard.  I look forward to working with the other members to shape the future of heterogeneous computing.

I have another two major announcements to make in the next month, so watch this space!

PS.  Sorry I have been too busy to record my next training videos according to my original schedule.  I am working on them in my free time, so please bear with me.

5 thoughts on “Good news, everyone!

  1. I’ve just started learning OCL and your videos are helpful. Do you have any recommendation for some books, on-line articles, tutorials etc. about OCL, GPU parallel programming?

    1. Hi,

      I have not found many books that are useful for learning OpenCL I’m afraid. I have thought about writing one myself, but decided to prepare videos instead to save my time. If you have a particular topic that you want to see, let me know and maybe I can present it.


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